Extraordinary Gazette Date:- 10.04.2019
Category No: 48/2019
Name of Department:Various
Category No: 48/2019
Name of Department:Various
Name of Post : Lower Division Clerk(Tamil Malayalam knowing )
Scale of Pay : 19,000 - 43,600
Method of Appointment: Direct Recruitment (From the candidates belonging to the above mentioned reservation community only)
Age Limit: 1839. Only candidates born between 02.01.1980 and 01.01.2001 (Both dates included) are eligible to apply for the post. (Including the relaxation as per Para 2(i) of the General Condition)[For concessions allowed in upper age limit, subject to the condition that the maximum age limit shall in no case exceed 50 (fifty) years (including all concessions). please see Para (2) of the General Condition except Para 2(i)under Part II of this notification]
Age Limit: 1839. Only candidates born between 02.01.1980 and 01.01.2001 (Both dates included) are eligible to apply for the post. (Including the relaxation as per Para 2(i) of the General Condition)[For concessions allowed in upper age limit, subject to the condition that the maximum age limit shall in no case exceed 50 (fifty) years (including all concessions). please see Para (2) of the General Condition except Para 2(i)under Part II of this notification]
How to apply : Candidates shall apply only through the online facility provided in the website of Kerala Public Service Commission official website https://thulasi.psc.kerala.gov.in/thulasi.
A Pass in the SSLC or its equivalent examination.
Working knowledge of both Tamil & Malayalam languages Note: (a) Rule 10 (a) ii of Part II of the KS & SSR is applicable. (b) Those who claim equivalent qualification shall produce the respective Government Order to prove the claim at the time of “One Time Verification” or as required by the Commission. In the case of candidates advised for the post in Registration department they should also pass handwriting test in Tamil
Working knowledge of both Tamil & Malayalam languages Note: (a) Rule 10 (a) ii of Part II of the KS & SSR is applicable. (b) Those who claim equivalent qualification shall produce the respective Government Order to prove the claim at the time of “One Time Verification” or as required by the Commission. In the case of candidates advised for the post in Registration department they should also pass handwriting test in Tamil
Last date of submission applications : 15/05/2019 Wednesday up to 12.00 Midnight