Extraordinary Gazette Date:- 10.04.2019
Category No: 41/2019
Department:Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing)
Category No: 41/2019
Department:Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing)
Name of Post : Police Constable
Scale of Pay : 10,480 – 18,300/- (PR)
Method of Appointment: Direct recruitment (from candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste Converts to Christianity (SCCC) only.
Note:Differently abled Candidates and Women are not eligible to apply for this post
Age Limit: Age: 18 –29.
Note:Differently abled Candidates and Women are not eligible to apply for this post
Age Limit: Age: 18 –29.
How to apply : Candidates shall apply only through the online facility provided in the website of Kerala Public Service Commission official website https://thulasi.psc.kerala.gov.in/thulasi.
Educational Qualifications:Pass in SSLC or its equivalent
Note:-(i)(ii)Rule 10(a)(ii) Part II of KS & SSR applicable.Candidates who claim equivalent qualification instead of qualification mentioned in the notification shall produce the relevant government order to prove the equivalency at the time of verification, then only such qualification shall be treated as equivalent to the prescribed qualification concerned. more details available in original notification visit keralapsc.gov.in
Note:-(i)(ii)Rule 10(a)(ii) Part II of KS & SSR applicable.Candidates who claim equivalent qualification instead of qualification mentioned in the notification shall produce the relevant government order to prove the equivalency at the time of verification, then only such qualification shall be treated as equivalent to the prescribed qualification concerned. more details available in original notification visit keralapsc.gov.in
Last date of submission applications : 15/05/2019 Wednesday up to 12.00 Midnight